Watch this interview by MaxDapp featuring Switcheo and Obolus' tech leads, John Wong and Colin B., on how the EOS/NEO atomic swaps work on Switcheo Exchange.
Find out more in the video below.
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Watch this interview on the EOS/NEO atomic swaps and find out how it works from Switcheo and Obolus's tech leads!
Watch this interview by MaxDapp featuring Switcheo and Obolus' tech leads, John Wong and Colin B., on how the EOS/NEO atomic swaps work on Switcheo Exchange.
Find out more in the video below.
For more information on Switcheo:
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Switcheo Labs is an experimental think tank that combines the brightest minds with a cutting-edge software development lab. We focus on nurturing ecosystems that are forming the foundation of a new, decentralized world — one that thrives even without trust.
With this goal in mind, the team developed a blockchain solution where finance is truly censorship-resistant and decentralized — Carbon, a custom Layer 2 cross-chain protocol that acts as a building block for DeFi. A promising use case for Carbon is seen in Demex, a reference trading UI for Carbon and the world’s first fully decentralized derivatives platform.
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