O3Labs Supports Switcheo TradeHub as a Validator

Switcheo has secured reputable validators to verify trading transactions on Switcheo TradeHub.

Today, we are excited to announce that O3Labs has joined the Switcheo TradeHub network as a validator. You can start staking your Switcheo tokens (SWTH) with O3Labs through the Switcheo TradeHub staking interface!

O3Labs are seasoned blockchain node operators and industry leaders in running secure validators, having run multiple blockchain nodes for the Neo blockchain for many years.

O3Labs is no stranger to Switcheo Exchange users. Built for the NEO and Ontology blockchains, the O3 wallet has provided users the ease of directly connecting and trading NEO tokens on our exchange.

Visit the Switcheo Blog for more information on Switcheo TradeHub and the staking of Switcheo tokens (SWTH).

About O3Labs

O3Labs, a Tokyo based software company founded in 2017, is focused on developing user-friendly gateways to the digital economy. Its team has successfully built desktop and mobile wallets for users to purchase, store and trade cryptocurrencies directly. O3Labs has also built an application platform that privately connects to decentralized apps.

For more information, visit: https://o3.network

About Switcheo

Switcheo builds platforms that break new ground. We bring you finance without limits, for lives without limits. Whether you’re a battle-weary trader or are just making your first purchase, there’s nothing cryptic about crypto on Switcheo. Leading the pack with multiple world firsts, your time spent with us will be a worthwhile investment.

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