Ready, Set... Go!

It’s finally here! Switcheo TradeHub is now accepting deposits and staking.

Before you proceed, here are some important notices.

At this time, a new mnemonic-based Switcheo TradeHub wallet is required. Losing control or access to this wallet will result in loss of all funds. Users who are unfamiliar with securing these types of wallets should not take part in this phase. Support for using Ledger hardware as well as software wallets will be coming soon.

Please also note that Switcheo TradeHub is still considered to be in beta. Transfers from Neo to Switcheo TradeHub are currently one-way. Withdrawals back to Neo will only be supported later during phase 1 of the launch.

Finally, please note that we'll give at least 24 hours before block rewards begin accruing. As there are validators still joining the network, you may want to hold off on staking until you preferred validator joins.

There are now two methods for staking on Switcheo TradeHub - through a web application, or through a command line application.

The web-based method requires generating a wallet using a web application and is simple for anyone to use, but does involve generating your wallet on a browser.

The command-line-based method allows for generating mnemonics without them ever entering a web application. This method may be more secure but requires more advanced technical knowhow and experience with using a programming shell like bash.

Web-based Application

  1. Follow this step-by-step guide on how to create a Switcheo TradeHub wallet and depositing SWTH there.
  2. Next, follow this step-by-step guide on how to delegate your SWTH stake to your preferred validator.

CLI-based Application

  1. Follow the quick-but-secure guide on how to create a CLI-based wallet, deposit SWTH, and stake tokens here.


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